Longevity and 8th house :-
Sage Parashara in BrihatParasarHoraSastra has clearly
said that the Balarishta
and rest of longevity matters should be seen from 8th house, as this house is
primarily seen for the longevity matters. Whereas 8th lord shows the over
longevity of the native. Placement of 8th lord in Kendras or Trikonas
bhavas shows Long life and in trik bhavas or with affliction from nodes shows
issues of health and long life.
In addition to that the secret of astrology states that we should discuss some hidden planets about solar system egample CERES, the secret planet lies between Jupiter and Mars.
Understanding the essence of transformation, pain and suffering we cannot grow
our-self into a deep state of higherrealisation. Now question is what
actually is transformation and how it is deeply linked with the 8th house
matters.Logically 8th house is a mystic house of understanding higher Spiritual
transformation and realisation that comes through after realising the pain of
sufferings, being one of the house of moksha trikonasthan, it gives opportunity
for purification of jeeva as well as Shareermukti to rise above at higher
level, at the level of Higher knowledge (Para vidya) and wisdom. It has
connection of Secretiveness and hidden agendas that one has to live with them
to understand life from micro angles, gives a fire or depth for understanding
deep hidden knowledge that we need to dig deeper via keep exploring it till the
end of life cycle(Cosmic cycle).
" There will be long life, if 6ths Lord
is in 12th, or, if 6ths Lord is in 6th, as 12ths Lord is in 12th, or, if 6ths
Lord and 12ths Lord are in Lagna and 8th. If the Lords of 5th, 8th and 1st
House are in own Navāmśaas, own Rāśis, or in friendly Rāśis, the native will
enjoy a long span of life. Should the Lords of Lagna, 8th and 10th House and
Saturn are all disposed severally in an angle, in a trine, or in 11th House,
the subject will live long. Like these, there are many other Yogas, dealing
with the issue of longevity. The strength and weakness of the Planets concerned
be estimated in deciding longevity."
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